We know bamboo flooring is good. The problem now is how can we choose the bamboo floor correctly to fit our flooring needs.
First question we have to ask ourselves is what is the sub floor we currently have, wooden or concrete slab. If it is wooden or particle boards sub floor, you can use any types of bamboo floor you like. If it is concrete slab, you’d better choose bamboo strand woven click lock floating floor. Because if you want to use Tongue & Groove type floor, which need to be nailed down by secret nails, you have to spend extra money laying a wooden sub floor or batten first before you install the bamboo T & G floor.
Personally, I like to use the bamboo strand woven floating floor, no matter whether the sub floor is wooden or concrete. Strand woven bamboo is the hardest bamboo, even harder than most hardwood floor. Because it is floating, no matter what problem happens in the future, it is easy to fix and replace. And most important of all, it costs much less than traditional hardwood floor.